Our Governors
All Governors are volunteers and our governing body includes representatives from parents, staff, the local community, the Local Authority and Diocese. They have a range of backgrounds and skills, including business and education, which enables them to be effective as a Governing Body.
Governors share the school’s vision and values and this informs their priorities and decisions. Our Governing Body are committed to making a positive contribution to the school and your child’s education. This includes all pupils' learning as well as their overall wellbeing.
Governing Body
Janneke Blokland
Chair of Governors
Louise Whitmore
Vice Chair of Governors and Parent Governor
Rev Rachel Cornish
Sophie Jupp
Parent Governor
Fiona Keeling
Ex officio, Headteacher
Ruth Schofield
Co-opted Governor​
Nargis Miah
Teacher Governor
Rebecca Bownas
Co-opted Governor
Tim Higginson
Co-opted Governor
Sian Cattaneo
Role of the Governors
The Governors seek to support the school community as a whole: pupils, staff and parents, and they are also accountable to the whole school community.
The aims of our Governors are to:
Be strategic
Act as a critical friend in the development of the school
Hold the school to account
The Governors also maintain strong links with our local community, which includes St Bartholomew's Church in Albourne and Albourne village.
The specific roles of our Governors are to:
Set a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school
Work with the Headteacher to promote and maintain a high quality education for all pupils
To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the pupils and the performance management of staff
Ensure final oversight of the financial performance of the school and the effective use of school resources
How the Governors work
Individual Governors have no power or responsibility; it is only the full governing body that has legal duties and powers. However, all Governors share in that corporate responsibility. The school's direction is agreed by the Governing body, Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team, who also make sure the school is meeting its targets. The Headteacher and staff manage the school on a day-to-day basis.
The Governors meet six times a year for full governing body meetings. These meetings cover all matters of governance.
Each Governor takes on a specific monitoring role for different aspects of school governance. Our flat structure removes the need for sub-committees. Governors are also part of various working parties during the year which shares the workload and helps us to be more effective.
Regular training enables governors to keep up-to-date with current thinking in education and church schools.
The Governors welcome parents' feedback about the school. If you have any queries about the role of the Governors, or require further information, please contact our Clerk to Governors, Sian Cattaneo, via the school office or email clerk@albournecep.co.uk. The Chair of Governors can be also be contacted via the Clerk.
About our Governors
"I became a governor in 2023. In my main role I am the Chaplain at Hurstpierpoint College, and have a keen interest in supporting education in the area in which I live. Previously, I was chair of governors of a primary school in Wiltshire, where I worked in parish and school life. Having a background in Science, I am also passionate about enthusing children to learn and discover the world for themselves."
Janneke Blokland, Chair of Governors
"I became a Co-opted Governor early in 2020. I am keen to offer my experience of 40 years in primary education to further support this successful school. I was a class teacher for 28 years, both here and in International Schools abroad. I was Headteacher of a school in West Sussex for 12 years. Since I retired, I have continued to be involved in training the next generation of teachers."
Ruth Schofield, Co-opted Governor
"I became a parent governor in Autumn 2020. I have two children at Albourne and I want to play a greater role in supporting the development of this wonderful school. I’ve taught History for nearly 20 years in a sixth form college and also secondary schools. I feel I am in a good position to not only use my knowledge and perspective as a parent but also have a real understanding of working in a school. I am currently taking a career break but continue to work as an A-level examiner."
Louise Whitmore, Parent Governor
"I became a parent governor in Autumn 2020. I currently have two children at Albourne (one in Key Stage 1 and one in Key Stage 2). I have worked in the Financial Services sector since finishing university and continue to do so. I volunteered to take on this role as I wanted to help and support the school. I hope to bring a working parent's perspective to the team. I am very much looking forward to helping all the children currently, and in the years to come, have the most positive school experience. I have a big passion for the outdoors, sport and education."
Sophie Jupp, Parent Governor
I became a governor at Albourne in Autumn 2023. I am currently working full time at Hurst College as Head of the Humanities Faculty and Director of Educational Research which helps inform teaching and learning practice across the whole of the College. I have been teaching since 2010, after completing my geography degree, and during this time in education I have worked as a: Sports Coach, Teacher of Geography, Teacher of Sociology, Head of Department (geography and sociology), Head of Faculty and Director of Educational Research. I am keen to support the school in its Curriculum Development and all aspects of Teaching and Learning moving forward.
Rebecca Bownas
"I became a governor in January 2024, and will be taking an interest in finance. I live in the parish of Albourne and am now retired, having spent my career in the NHS. I am looking forward to helping the school as it goes from strength to strength."
Tim Higginson
"I became a governor in January 2024, and will be taking an interest in finance. I live in the parish of Albourne and am now retired, having spent my career in the NHS. I am looking forward to helping the school as it goes from strength to strength."