Online safety
Useful information for parents.
At Albourne Church of England Primary School, the children regularly use the internet as part of their learning. In school we regularly remind the children how to stay safe online through ‘e-safety’ activities.
At home, children are not always supervised when they are using the internet. This can potentially allow children access to a whole world of information and online communities, some of which may be unsuitable for children to access.
Whilst the internet is a wonderful place, we need to make sure that our children are safe and responsible internet users.

Tips to keep your children safe online
1. Make sure your children use the internet in a shared area.
Talk to your child about what they are doing online and, if possible, make sure that they access the internet in a shared area at home so that you can all share in the great sites that are available online.
2. Talk about what you are happy for your child to do on the internet, and set up ‘ground rules’ for using the internet
Make sure that you talk with your child about what you do and do not want them to do on the internet, including who you are happy for them to communicate with using online chat forums etc.
3. Explore e-safety sites
Below we have provided useful links to e-safety sites designed for children. They are great fun to explore - browse through these with your children.
4. Be aware that Social Networks have age limits of 13+
Sites such as Facebook, Bebo, Instagram and apps such as Snapchat have a minimum age limit of 13. This means our pupils should NOT be using them. These sites are also not moderated, and can allow your children a means of communication to people that they may not necessarily know.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask!
There are always new websites, apps and social networks that the children are using. Try to establish open lines of communication, where you can talk with your child about what they are doing, so that you are aware of how and who they are communicating with.