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Newsletters, Hurst Life &     Ups on the Downs Magazine

Download our newsletters and media publishing for parents.

Two boys sitting on bench eating sandwiches

Wellbeing & Mental-Health

Find out how The Albourne Way Peacekeepers and Diversity Ambassadors are helping to maintain pupils good mental health and wellbeing.

Attendance and Absence

What we expect and what to do if your child is unwell.


SEND Information

Girl in classroom reading book

Online Safety

Useful advice for parents on today's technology and how to guide and protect your child.


Diary Dates

Download our school term dates and find out what school events are coming up.

The School Day

A typical school day at Albourne begins with our Breakfast Club from 7.45am. The schools gate opens at 8.45am ready for pupils to join us and begin their school day. The school day ends at 3:25pm.

Boy climbing over a wooden play structure outdoors


Uniform information for all Albourne parents.


For all letters, information and forms for parents, please visit our Downloads page.

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