PE…The Albourne Way
“A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.” The National Curriculum
Everything we do at Albourne Church of England School is underpinned by our vision, The Albourne Way – living life to the full. Children in our school will achieve highly because our expectations for pupil outcomes are ambitious.
‘PE… The Albourne Way’ delivers fun, engaging, and high-quality lessons which aim to inspire and motivate all children. Our inclusive curriculum ensures that every child, regardless of ability, builds upon their skills and can actively participate and develop a love for movement and healthy living.
We aim to raise the profile of PE via our partnership with ‘Mid Sussex Active’ and competing in inter-school competitions that play a vital role in developing our key skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship and resilience. We aim to provide children with greater opportunities to be introduced to, or play, various games and sports. This in turn fosters a culture that provides children with opportunities to display their talents, be reflective individuals, challenge themselves and build a sense of school pride.
As a school, we are aware that being physically active plays a crucial role in enhancing mood and mental health, promoting a healthy, active lifestyle and overall emotional wellbeing.
As well as promoting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and regular physical movement, children are encouraged to try a variety of games and sports – learning, refining and developing skills along the way. We follow ‘The PE Hub’, which provides us with clear and engaging lesson plans and activities, delivering high quality lessons to all children whilst also adhering to the National Curriculum.
How is this implemented?
Clear plans and activities are provided through our scheme to support teachers
Teachers make adaptions where necessary to meet the need of their class
Children participate in 2 hours of high quality PE lessons per week
Class teachers deliver high quality lessons
Years 3 and 6 participate in swimming lessons
Children will focus on 2 key games/skills/sports per half term to allow them to build upon their skills and knowledge needed for that particular focus
Children are introduced to a variety of games/skills/sports throughout the school year
Progression of skills per lesson and as children move through the school
Repetition of sports throughout their time at school to allow for children to revisit, refine and develop skills
Whole school learning attitude – using transferable skills from sports and PE in the classroom (e.g. teamwork, resilience, sportsmanship)
Subject specific vocabulary is used in lessons from knowledge organisers
Formative assessments
With our inclusive approach to sport and PE, children are invited to attend interschool competitions and festival sporting events within our local area
Our approach to PE will allow children to develop their physical health and their mental wellbeing
OPAL play at playtimes to promote active play and physical development.
Sport leaders in Year 6 to lead playground activities
Year 6 lead a ‘Mental Health Day’ for the rest of the school, leading various calming and sporting activities
Sports premium is spent on enhancing all children’s experience of sport and PE in school, such as athlete visits and high quality sports equipment
A range of afterschool clubs are available for children
Our curriculum, ‘PE… The Albourne Way’, encourages regular physical activity, which promotes fitness, coordination and overall well-being.
Our high quality lessons paired with our vision throughout the school (through OPAL play), provides children with the opportunity to learn and develop key life and social skills such as teamwork, communication and resilience. As well as this, success in these physical activities help to boost morale and mental wellbeing as well as develop a growth mindset.

Sports Workshops
As part of the Hurst Education Trust (HET), our pupils are also able to take part in sports workshops at Hurst College. These have included cricket, netball, multi-sports and swimming.
Active Learning
We are proud to celebrate being active at Albourne, not only in our PE lessons and break times, but throughout our academic lessons. We use Teach Active, a programme of lesson plans for English and maths, to inspire ‘active learning’ and make sure children have opportunities to move around in their lessons.