Parent and Teacher Association
Raising vital funds for our school.
We proudly maintain a strong bond with our parents and boast an active and passionate Parent and Teacher Association (PTA).
Fundraising is a continuous endeavor for our dedicated PTA, who raise and donate approximately £8,000 to £12,000 per year to our school. They achieve this through a variety of events and sales, which typically include the following throughout the school year:
- Annual Christmas fair and raffle
- Summer fair
- Children's discos
- Movie nights
- Non-uniform days
- Regular cake sales
- Pupil-designed Christmas card sales
- Affordable second-hand uniform sales
- Summer ice lolly sales
The funds raised by our fantastic PTA have contributed to numerous projects that benefit our school community. Some of these achievements include:
- Upgrade of the Reception class's outdoor area
- Installation of new reading corners in classrooms
- Contributions towards class trips and other enriching experiences
Getting involved with the PTA activities can be a really rewarding experience. Any time you can give however great or small is hugely appreciated and valuable so please get in touch! Parents play a vital role in shaping a successful and blossoming school community.
Our dedicated PTA email address is: albournepta@yahoo.co.uk

If you are an Albourne parent and you would like to find out more about the PTA, or to join the team, please contact the PTA Chair via the School Office at office@albournecep.co.uk