Pupil Leadership
Pupils are able to contribute ideas to the running of their school.
Pupils are given opportunities for leadership at Albourne. This may be leading their peers as House Captains, representing their class in our Pupil Parliament or being an Albourne Way Ambassador.
The Albourne Way Ambassadors Society
The Ambassadors have regular meetings with the Headteacher to look at progress in books, discuss next steps and identify the next group of Ambassadors for the term. They look out for pupils making progress from their starting points and present these in assemblies.

Pupil Parliament
Our Pupil Parliament is made up of a group of pupils from different classes who are chosen by their classmates to represent all pupils in the school. It provides the opportunity for pupils to contribute ideas to the running of the school.
The Pupil Parliament meets regularly with a member of staff who helps the children put their ideas into action. Occasionally other adults are involved in the meetings such as parents, governors and other people from our school community.
In the last academic year our Pupil Parliament hosted a 'Hero Day' where they raised money to support a nurse to travel to India to help Leprosy sufferers.
Find out more about how we promote and uphold the British Values of Democracy, the rule of law and individual liberty on our British Values at Albourne page.

House Captains
Pupils also vote for House Captains to lead their Houses and encourage children to earn points for their house. These children are all in Year 6 and will act as ambassadors when there are visitors to our school.
Find out more about our Houses on our House Teams page.