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- Albourne C of E Primary School | Church of England School West Sussex
Welcome to Albourne C.E. Primary School. We are a friendly and welcoming Church of England School situated in Albourne village in the Mid Sussex countryside. Programme of Events Spring 2 Latest Newsletter Vision & Values Document Hurst Educational Trust & Albourne Vision Ofsted & SIAMS Reports 2025 Spring Ask Me Abouts School @ a glance The Albourne Way Living life to the full Welcome to Albourne C of E Primary Ofsted 2025 Meet The Explorer, The Polisher & The Listener delight in showing their knowledge PUPILS LOVE LEARNING display impeccable manners and behave well 'Children at Albourne are fortunate to be there. ' 'They flourish from start to finish.' SIAMS Inspection January 2025 high expectations of pupils' learning and behaviour pupils' exceptionally strong attitudes to school To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. We are a friendly and welcoming church school situated in Albourne village in the Mid Sussex countryside. We teach Primary School children age 4 to 11 years. Explore Headteacher's Welcome I am proud to lead an exceptionally committed and caring staff team in this thriving school. We are set in the heart of Albourne village in beautiful rural surroundings at the foot of the South Downs. Read more Christian Life Our Christian values are the basis for everything we do at Albourne and they play a key role in the development of our pupils academically, emotionally, morally, socially and spiritually. Find out more Curriculum Education at Albourne is inclusive and lessons are delivered in a way that ensures every child is accepted and valued for their individuality. Find out more Wrap Around Care We offer Wrap Around Care before and after the school day, in order to support working parents. Our provision includes a Breakfast Club, a range of extra-curricular clubs and an After School Club. Find out more Albourne school is like a big family - the children look out for each other and all staff and students know each other, regardless of which class they are in. The Albourne way has strengthened this as well as making the children aspire to constantly improve their work. Survey 2024 Latest news For all the latest school and class news, follow us on Instagram. Follow us on Instagram
- Curriculum | Albourne Cof E Primary School
The curriculum in a Hurst Education Trust (HET) school is broad, rich and ambitious, underpinned by its Christian vision and values. It is inclusive, enabling every child to flourish and preparing them well for future success for life in general and when they enter the world of higher education, training or work. A HET & Albourne Curriculum The curriculum in a Hurst Education Trust (HET) school is broad, rich and ambitious, underpinned by its Christian vision and values. Find out more English Our overarching intent for English lessons is to promote high standards of language and literacy. Find out more Mathematics We believe the way we teach maths is unique and best suited to meet the needs of every child in our classrooms. Find out more Religious Education As a Christian school, our Religious Education (RE) lessons are an important part of our curriculum as Jesus’ teachings are the basis of our school values. Find out more History Find out more Science Science lessons are enhanced by fun experiments and practical work. We take part in British Science Week by holding STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) workshops. Find out more Art and Design At Albourne we celebrate a culture of creativity! We have developed a broad and ambitious Art and Design curriculum for our young learners. Find out more Design Technology Find out more Music Our music curriculum is designed to motivate, inspire and educate children, while providing them with a creative outlet. Find out more Physical Education We regard PE lessons and participation in sport as highly important for all children. We work hard to ensure pupils are enthusiastic about sports at all ages. Find out more Geography Inspiring lifelong curiosity & creating informed global citizens Find out more Computing Inspiring lifelong curiosity & creating informed global citizens Find out more PSHE Personal, Social, Health and Education (PSHE), including Relationships and Health Education, is an important part of the whole curriculum at Albourne. Find out more EYFS Find out more OPAL Play We have adopted the Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) Primary Programme to enhance pupils’ break times. Pupils can take part in active pursuits and have access to a range of traditional and modern equipment. Find out more Grow it Cook it Beach School Our Grow it Cook it Beach School offers children regular opportunities to develop their self-esteem through hands-on learning in a natural environment. Find out more Contact us The Street Albourne Hassocks West Sussex BN6 9DH 01273 832003 Office Manager: Mrs R Sweet Headteacher: Ms F Keeling SENCo: Ms Nargis Miah @albourneprimary Quick links Parents Key information Wrap Around Care Progress and Performance Admissions Diary dates Downloads Contact us
- Admissions | Albourne C of E Primary School
The Admissions Policy for Albourne Church of England Primary School is common to all Local Authority community or voluntary controlled schools in West Sussex. Admissions Find out how to apply to our school. Albourne Church of England Primary School is an academy within the Hurst Education Trust. As such the Trust is the Admission Authority responsible for all decisions in connection with admitting pupils. The Trust delegates the responsibility for admissions to the Governing Body of the school. Our admission arrangements are explained in our Admissions Policy. Every year our admission number (PAN) for Reception is 30 West Sussex operates a coordinated admission scheme for primary schools. Our admissions policy can be found here. Applications for Reception September 2025 Please note that for children who are eligible to start school in September 2025, parents/carers should apply online for a school place for their child. For full details and to apply online, please visit School places - West Sussex County Council If you need to complete a paper application form, please contact the West Sussex Pupil Admissions Team: Telephone: 033 301 42903 Email: Applications received after the closing date are considered late and dealt with after all those received on time. Open Day visits We hold open sessions for parents to visit our school to find out more about us. This is an ideal opportunity to help you decide on the right school for your child. Details of these events are listed below. Please reserve your space at an Open Day by calling the School Office on 01273 832003. Applying for Recption 2025 Key information downloads For all key information and school policy documents, please follow the link to our Policies page. Policies
- Attendance and Absence | Albourne C of E Primary School
Information for parents/carers about attendance and absence. Attendance and Absence Information for parents. The 2024-25 academic year Whilst we understand families will be looking forward to travel and holidays abroad again, after the past couple of years' disruption, but we want to set expectations now: as a school we will NOT be authorising holidays during this academic year (2024-25). Every day in school counts and we will be monitoring attendance and lateness on a daily basis. Reporting an absence If your child is going to be absent from school, we expect you (the parent/carer) to do the following: Call the school office before 9.00am to explain absence each day your child is off school - this is for safeguarding reasons. Ensure you provide a written letter of explanation when your child returns to school, in addition to the phone calls, so we can maintain accurate records. If your child’s absence is longer than three days we would expect medical advice to be sought. If parents/carers have not contacted school, they will receive a message asking them why the child is not at school. Unexplained absences may also be followed up by a home visit or a letter. If the reason for the absence is not explained then the absence will be marked as unauthorised. When to contact us Please do contact us if you are having any difficulties or face challenges we may not be aware of, before it becomes a problem that we need to raise with you. Withdrawal from learning requests In line with the Department for Education (DfE), we will not authorise pupil absence for withdrawal from learning during term time unless there are unusual and compelling circumstances. This applies to absences of any length. The withdrawal from learning request process is as follows: All withdrawal from learning requests should be made to the Headteacher by completing a form which is available from the school office, and below. The Headteacher will speak to you (the parent/carer) regarding your request It is possible that unauthorised absence will trigger involvement from the Local Authority Attendance Team and you could be liable for a fine. The school scrutinises registers regularly to identify any patterns of absence/poor punctuality and these are discussed with the Headteacher to see there is anything the school can do to assist. In cases where attendance and punctuality do not improve, further support will be sought from the Local Authority Attendance Team. Your assistance in setting good attendance patterns early is much appreciated and it will help your child later on in their education. Local Authority information and guidance about attendance can be found on the WSCC School absences page . Medical appointments Every effort should be made to arrange medical appointments outside school hours. If it is necessary for a child to be out of school for this reason, the child should be returned to school directly after the appointment. Proof of the appointment should be shown to the school office. Parents/carers must inform the school of any planned absences in advance using the absence request form. Copies of these will be kept with the child's records. Holidays during term time Parents should be aware that taking holidays in term time are not an entitlement and are strongly discouraged by the Government, Local Authority and the school. The Headteacher can only authorise absences for exceptional circumstances - and this will be rare. Why attendance matters Attendance is important to us - and will continue to be so - not because of any targets we, or others, set for us but because when your child is not in school, they are missing their education. In addition, the children have missed so much time in school over recent years, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Attendance and punctuality are an important part of good behaviour and such an important life skill. It is an essential requirement in any job and habits formed early become embedded. Pupils who miss valuable time in classrooms fall further behind and become more disengaged from the work of the class. It is hard to regain this ground and hard to motivate pupils when attendance drops. Absence Request Form (Word doc) Downloads For all letters, information and forms for parents, please visit our Downloads page. Downloads
- Progress and Performance | Albourne C of E Primary School
Below are our latest Ofted inspection reports and Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection reports. School Improvement and Performance A snapshot of our school's progress. School Improvement School @ a glance 2024-25 School Development Plan 2024-2025 SEF@ a Glance School Performance Data 2024 KS2 Results & Analysis 2024 EYFS / Phonics Results & Analysis 2024 KS1 Results & Analysis Ofsted, Siams & SIP Reports Ofsted 2025 Siams 2025 Ofsted IDSR Compare School Performance Key information downloads For all key information and school policy documents, please follow the link to our Policies page. Policies
- SEND Information | AlbourneCEPrimary
SEND - Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Following are the policies and reports relating to Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) which we have at Albourne C of E Primary School school to help parents / carers and others in our school to know about our approach to supporting the needs of all children. To contact our SENCo, Ms Miah, please contact the school office on 01273 832003 / The SEND Governor is Mrs L Whitmore, who can be contacted here: Link to West Sussex SEND: Special educational needs and disability (SEND) - West Sussex County Council SENDIAS Home Page - West Sussex SENDIAS Service SEND Report 2025-6 SEND Policy Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Local Offer West Sussex
- Policies | Albourne C of E Primary School
This is where parents can find and download all our school policy documents. Policies Important school documents. Below are all our school policy documents. New policies are published on our website following the agreement of school Governors, where relevant. Paper copies are available from the school office on request. GDPR From the May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the Data Protection Act (DPA). The School collects and uses personal information about staff, students, parents or carers and other individuals who come into contact with the School. This information is gathered in order to enable it to provide education and other associated functions. In addition, there may be a legal requirement to collect and use information to ensure that the School complies with its statutory obligations. We ensure that your personal data is processed fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is retained for no longer than is necessary. The schools registration number is ZB323813. This registration is renewed annually and updated as and when necessary. You can find our Privacy Notice in the list of policies below. Download policies Click to download. Accessibility Plan Acceptable use of technology policy Admissions Policy 2026/27 Admissions Policy 2025/26 Allegations of Abuse policy Anti-bullying policy Behaviour Principles HET Attendance and Punctuality policy Charging and Remissions policy Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2024 Complaints Procedure (HET) Collective Worship policy Data Protection policy Dog in school policy 2025 Equal Opportunities policy Excellence in Teaching and Learning policy Freedom of Information & publication Scheme Health and Safety policy Internet Use and E-safety policy Medicines in School policy Mental Health and Wellbeing policy Positive Behaviour policy PSHE inc RSE Positive handling policy Privacy Notice Pupils Pupil Premium Strategy Report 2024-25 RE Policy Remote learning Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) policy SEND Information Report 2025-6 Suspension and Permanent Exclusion policy Supporting pupils with medical conditions policy Visitors' policy Volunteer policy Whistleblowing
- Geography | AlbourneCEPrimary
Geography...The Albourne Way Inspiring lifelong curiosity & creating informed global citizens Curriculum Overviews Whole School Overview 2024-25 Geography…The Albourne Way INTENT Everything we do at Albourne Church of England School is underpinned by our vision, The Albourne Way – living life to the full. Children in our school will achieve highly because our expectations for pupil outcomes are ambitious. ‘Geography… The Albourne Way’ envisions a dynamic geography curriculum that prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century while promoting a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between people and their environments. Our curriculum is grounded in the belief that geography is not just about maps and locations, but is a lens through which students can explore the complexities of the world around them. Our curriculum raises curiosity about diverse landscapes, cultures, and natural phenomena through hands-on activities and field trips. Our goal is to inspire lifelong curiosity, create informed global citizens, and equip students for success in an interconnected world. IMPLEMENTATION We lead an enquiry-lead approach to our history curriculum as our pupils not only build their substantive knowledge and understanding, but become increasingly adept at disciplinary thinking, conceptual understanding and the use of specialised vocabulary and technical terms. In order to do this, as a school we are dedicated to the teaching and delivery of a high-quality history curriculum. This is implemented through: reflecting the guidance of and matches with the scope and ambition of the national curriculum. providing pupils with the appropriate opportunities to build their substantive and disciplinary knowledge. This will encourage children to master and apply subject skills and techniques and acquire the specialist language and technical terms to communicate their understanding effectively. Creating a MTP of each enquiry, which defines what the pupils will know, understand and be able to do. This is clearly identifiable in the progressive and increasingly challenging objectives. Sequencing enquiries to ensure that pupils can build on prior knowledge and understanding as they tackle more complex and demanding enquiries throughout their education. Learning activities are very varied to ensure that all pupils have opportunities to demonstrate their strengths. Our curriculum for EYFS – Year 6 provision is made for regular and high quality visits which we recognise as a core element of our pupils’ statutory entitlement in geography. These visits provide opportunities to develop and consolidate skills and concepts introduced in the classroom and allow pupils to extend their understanding through investigating geography in the ‘real world.’ When assessing our pupils, evidence is drawn from a wide range of sources to inform the process including interaction with pupils during discussions and related questioning, day to day observations, presentation and communication of data collected during visits and writing in different genres. We do not make summative judgements about individual pieces of pupil work, but rather use continuous formative assessments to build an emerging picture of what the pupil knows and understands about our overall enquiry into the subject. IMPACT Our curriculum, ‘Geography... The Albourne Way’ helps to prepare our pupils for life in the 21st century with all of its currently unknown possibilities. Our pupils will develop the skills to act as young geographers in our current world. As geographers they will acquire the skills to make links and connections between the natural world and human activity, how it changes and the impact of physical and human geography upon one another. Our curriculum prepares our pupils for opportunities and challenges that will arise during their lifetime – personal, local, national and global.
- A HET curriculum | Albourne C of E Primary School
The curriculum in a Hurst Education Trust school is broad, rich and ambitious, underpinned by its Christian vision and values. It is inclusive, enabling every child to flourish and preparing them for future success in life. A HET & Albourne Curriculum Working with the Hurst Education Trust for an enhanced curriculum. The curriculum in a Hurst Education Trust (HET) school is broad, rich and ambitious, underpinned by its Christian vision and values. It is inclusive, enabling every child to flourish and preparing them for future success in life. Our coherently planned and well-sequenced curriculum sets high expectations for pupils, whist also being adaptive and flexible. This approach facilitates high levels of engagement from pupils, and motivates them to develop skills, knowledge, and personal and social characteristics which will enable them to achieve success. Our curriculum choices have been based on extensive research around best practice, both subject specific and pedagogical. Staff in HET schools are aspirational for all their pupils and strive for excellence in their classroom practice. They are skilled professionals who embrace opportunities for professional development. If you require any further information about our curriculum, please email the office: Teaching...The Albourne Way Policy 2024 Whole School Topic Overview 2024-25 YR Overview 2024-25 Trips & Experiences 2024-25 Y1 Overview 2024-25 Y2 Overview 2024-25 Y3 Overview 2024-25 Y4/5 Overview 2024-25 Y5/6 Overview 2024-25 Downloads and links Download our documents for further information about our curriculum. Parents can find out more about each year group's curriculum on our Classes page and more about each subject on the subject pages. Whole School Curriculum map 2024-25 Trips and Experiences 2024-25 Downloads page
- Newsletters | Albourne C of E Primary School
Read all the latest news from Albourne Newsletters, Hurst Life & Parish Magazine We have been writing in Hurst Life since 2023 - have a read of the back issues below to take a journey of our progress Latest Newsletter October 2024 Latest Newsletter September 2024 Latest Newsletter July 2024 Hurst Life Hurst Life Back Issues Parent newsletters Download newsletters and letters from this term. Newsletter March 2024 Newsletter February 2024