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Welcome to Nightingales.​


'Ask Me Abouts' will be added here half-termly to keep you informed about what we have been doing and what we intend to do in Nightingales class.

Welcome to Nightingales (Years 5 and 6).


The teacher in Nightingales is Mr. Hamilton. The class also has the support of Mrs. Henson in the mornings and as cover for Mr. Hamilton on Friday afternoons. Nightingales have a newly built classroom separate from the school’s main building with its own lockers, toilet block and a smaller group-work room.

The Autumn term will introduce the children to the geography topic of Mountains and Volcanoes. They will find out how volcanoes affect the lives of those living in Iceland, and making local comparisons with people living in mountainous areas of Wales.

In English, the children will follow the Albourne Writers Way to create some wonderful descriptive writing inspired by ‘The Wolves of Currumpaw’,’The man who walked between the Twin Towers’ and ‘Survivors’.

We expect all children to be reading daily at home and in school when the opportunity arises. Home reading should be recorded in their reading diary, which we check weekly- those who have been reading daily will have a raffle ticket entered into the half-termly reading challenge, with the opportunity to win a book.

In maths, we will be recapping the children’s knowledge of place value, the four operations and fractions. This will be carried out through a range of question types to help develop a deeper understanding of mathematical skills. We will also do a weekly times table challenge to help speed up their recall.

In computing the children will be learning more about the importance of safety and how we can use spreadsheets to help with calculations and displaying of data. Design technology will be a themed day run by the STEM Ambassadors, who have quite a challenge for the children.

Religion, will allow the children to find out about the Hajj through a study of Islam and to study the question, ‘Was Jesus the messiah?’

To keep fit and healthy, we will have two PE lessons per week- our first session will focus on developing tag rugby skills and the second will split, with year 6 going swimming and year 5 doing dance. In science we will explore living things and their environments.

We will be having a trip to London to the Natural history Museum as part of geography topic work.

We set homework on Google Classroom based on reading, grammar, punctuation and spelling, and maths (related to our classwork).


Thanks, as ever, to all the parents and carers for their help and support. Please feel free to contact us.










For all letters, information and forms for parents, please follow the link to our Downloads page.

Albourne C of E Primary
The Street
West Sussex


01273 832003

Ms F Keeling

Mrs R Sweet

Mrs N Miah

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